Wednesday, 16 May 2018

ROBLOX review

Name of the game: ROBLOX
Your name: Keiran

Platform: Pc, Tablets, IPad & Xbox
Multiplayer:       Yes            No ⚪

Genre: Other
Age level game would appeal to: 5-20

Details (Aim/goal of the game, Setting, Characters - what the game is about):
ROBLOX is a game with just about anything you want from Tycoon’s to Shooters you can also play with friends. The most popular game in ROBLOX right now is JailBreak you can be a prisoner or a cop, but I recommend tycoons because they are good time passers. Time passer games are a way to pass time easily which are really good if you want for wait for stuff.

There are also Groups and in some groups, they give out free robux, if you are wondering what robux is, it is a type of money in Roblox that you have to pay real money for, to buy access to games and buy Roblox clothing.

If you are wondering, what is a tycoon? Etc. A Tycoon is a thing where you make a big sarture like.    Blood Moon [HELI] tycoon you buy droppers which give you money and then you can buy guns and decorations but in others, there might not be guns but there are ALWAYS! droppers and i mean ALWAYS!

Probably everyone knows what a shooter is but for the people who don’t know I'm going to explain what it is, a shooter is a game with guns and you shoot opponents/enemies if you don't shoot them they will shoot you. Usually, points come in kills and the team with the most kills by the end of the round wins. but sadly there aren't that many shooters, but if you wanted to play a shooter I recommend Phantom Forces.


Rating from 1-10 (10 is the highest score) and a comment about:

Smoothness: 8 It runs Really Smoothly Depending What Game You Are Playing On. ROBLOX But Usually Runs Extremely Smoothly

Story: Changes Depending on what game you are playing

Graphics: 6 ROBLOX has average graphics but some people can make graphics Really well if the people who create ROBLOX games put a lot of effort into it

Multiplayer: ROBLOX is really fun to play with friends and is nearly always multiplayer
There are Two Player Games That you can play with a buddy

What I like about the game: I like that there is just about anything you can do you can play tycoons, simulators, shooters and much more

What I do not like about the game: That you have to pay to get robux

How would you rate this game overall (make your own rating system):
4/2 Stars out of 5

Would you recommend this game? Yes
Why or why not? Because There Is Just about anything for anyone animal sci-fi, tycoon, life and much more.

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